17 Retro Tattoo Ideas for 80s and 90s Kids

October 19, 2018 2 min read

The 80s and 90s were exciting times to grow up in when it comes to music, television, and perhaps most of all, technology. The early 1980s marked the rise of the personal computer, a momentous time in modern human history. Around the same time, arcade games and cassette players were popular sources of entertainment among kids of all ages. Cell phones and tablets didn’t exist, and it wasn’t until the 90s that smartphones and powerful laptops and gaming systems began to emerge. These days, it is hard to imagine living in a time without all of our amazing, modern technology--unless, of course, you grew up during that time.


Many people who grew up in the 80s and early 90s have a strong sense of nostalgia for those simpler times. Maybe it’s because the music was better, or maybe because that time predated our society’s widespread smartphone addiction. Whatever the reason, this nostalgia is evident in the immense popularity of 80s-centric shows like Stranger Things. Also, iconic 90s sitcoms and TV shows such as Friends, Seinfeld, Full House, Frasier, and X-Files, have not waned much in popularity over the years, as evidenced by their prevalence on modern streaming services.


For some of us, letting go of the wonders of our childhood is more difficult than for others. If you’re looking for a way to embrace your 80s or 90s nostalgia more tangibly, getting a retro tattoo is a great way to go about it. A tattoo allows you to keep your childhood memories close at heart. Better yet, it has potential to carry powerful meaning and speak to the events of your past that made you who you are today.


If the prospect of an 80s or 90s themed tattoo appeals to you, scroll down for some awesome inspiration for your next ink job. First on the list is a design from our temporary tattoo collection featuring the ultimate, OG arcade game. Semi-permanent tattoos like this one are great for those who enjoy the look of tattoos but aren’t ready or willing to commit to a permanent tat. Scroll down for more retro tattoo designs and get ready for the wave of nostalgia coming your way!

Easy.ink's Appetizer Tattoo

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