17 Cute Pet Tattoos That Pay Tribute To Our Furry Friends

November 04, 2018 2 min read

Without a doubt, we form special bonds with our pets. What better way to commemorate that bond than to get a pet tattoo? We take great lengths to make sure our animals are healthy, well fed, and entertained. We invest thousands of dollars across our lifetime into petcare. Our pets have unique traits and personalities, just like we do. We even hear stories of dogs, cats, and other animals saving people’s lives. For these reasons and more, a pet inspired tattoo is a no brainer if you’re an animal lover in the market for a new tat.


There are a variety of different ways to go about designing or selecting your pet tattoo. The designs could be simple and generic, for instance a set of paw prints or an animal silhouette. Some people choose to get a tattoo that resembles a specific pet, either living or deceased. The tattoo could display the pet’s entire body or just its face. It could be small or large and include added details such as a name or a favorite toy. If you so choose, you could get a tattoo for every pet you’ve ever owned. The possibilities are endless!

A pet tattoo is one of the most meaningful and adorable types of tattoos you could get. For many of us, pets are considered family members, and we treat them as such. We even affectionately refer to them as our “fur babies,” especially those of us who don’t have children. Pets can display a level of loyalty and unconditional love that is unmatched among our human friends--certainly this is worthy of the pain and expense of a tattoo. If not, you could always get a temporary tattoo instead. Our semi-permanent tattoos last up to two weeks and are great for experimenting with tattoos when you’re not quite ready to commit.

Scroll down to get inspired for your next tat. These cute pet tattoos are sure to melt your heart and inspire a new appreciation for your furry friends!

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/322992604512071447/

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/241013017538548962/

Easy.ink's Scarry Claws Tattoo

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Easy.ink's Pooch Tattoo

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Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/434315957805860581/



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